Thursday, March 28, 2013


The days still linger with a chill in the air. So I am still welcoming knits to my wardrobe, and top it off in a bright pink warm knitted scarf. The outfit is simple, comfortable, and great for city trends. Freepeople dress, Anthropologie pull over sweater, and a Freepeople knitted scarf.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I can not stress enough on how bored I am of my usual breakfast routine. Coffee & biscotti one day, the next is coffee & a hard boiled egg, but if I want to get real crazy (obviously being sarcastic) I have some coffee & an english muffin. Crazy!!!

I needed to get out of my morning slump. I needed some excitement to my routine and this is how the red and blue mash on toast was born. 
Handful of fresh Blueberries
Handful of fresh Raspberries
1 Tablespoon of Honey
Toast (I used country white bread)

Mix the fresh fruit and honey in a bow and mash away! You can use a potato masher or the back of a fork as I did. Spread this sweet delicious mixture on your piece of toast but be prepared to have an explosion of fruity goodness in your mouth with just a hint of toasty crunch:) Ok, ok, ok, yes, way too excited on this simple concoction, but my routine is forever changed! Yay!

A super easy way to spice up that morning piece of toast and for the gal on the go, a great way to eat some fresh fruit fast. A must try.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


It is now considered spring. But with that last snow fall and the chilled wind in the air I bundled up in the warmest of clothing but considered the color palete of spring. The sweater is from Freepeople, scarf from a small boutique shop in Savannah GA. and the accessoized wooden lathe necklace is made from yours truly, Ophilya.


Monday, March 25, 2013



I am the one labeled as Salvage, but you may also call me Ophilya. I have started the brand-name "Ophilya" which is all handmade products made from luxury leathers and exotic woods. Graduating from Savannah College of Art and Design with a BFA in Accessory design I found my passion and calling in working with my hands to create unique hand-crafted accessories. 
Due to my rather spontaneous and corky personality, I attempt to reflect the love and spirit of creating these wearable works of art. At the moment my dream consists of pushing the boundaries of wearable art. By starting with simple leather and wood accessories I find this the perfect opportunity to progress in the skills of the craft. But it only gets better from here! With time and patience I will expose this beaming light of knew possibilities of the handmade accessory. 

Come dream with Us!!


Friday, March 22, 2013


It has become all about the color for me. In the mornings as I sit in this unique antique red chair with my homemade crafted recycled rice bag pillow, I find myself inspired to take the time for the simple touches of applying my makeup in an artistic manner. The desk which is finished with brightly colored porcelain knobs was a bargain find at an antique show in Michigan and has been refinished in a weathered blue. The knobs were purchased at Anthropologie to give this piece a memorable and eclectic appearance. 


Thursday, March 21, 2013


A lazy Sunday visit to my local thrift store, I couldn't help but hover over the many planters stacked on the wire rack shelves (I have an addiction to pottery) and was really excited to find this little guy! Clean  and simple looking, this white planter was going to mix in perfectly with all of my other white pottery pieces.
I needed some (literally a few pieces, not a whole bunch) pea tendrils for a recipe I was trying out but didn't want to waste the rest of the bunch. I found out that if I planted them in a shallow pot with an inch of soil and some water, these tendrils would be a pretty house plant and a food source, if needed. A super simple installation that makes a pretty great green addition to my living room! 
I am loving these tendrils on my Iguana Green Table, but the little bowl of kumquats are my newest obsession for adding color into a room! So cute:)

                                                     xo, Renee'

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Hello, my name is Andrea. I am the middle sister of the point of three and a mother of two wonderful children, Colie Ryan and Niemi Bair. With my hectic schedule of keeping up with my business of at home hair styling, tending to the needs of my two children, and continually running to, and from my grandmothers to help maintain her home I have found myself tangled in a mess of chaotic living. Even though life has pushed me to frantically get through the day, I take great pride in the comfort of appearance, and keeping up with the new trends, and hair styling tips. With this said, I will periodically bring to this blog wonderful advise for the viewers in ways to style and treat hair of all types. I hope to bring a little relief and comfort to the modern day women.

  xo Andrea

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


As a tradition of continually checking out the local antique shops we find ourselves scanning through the isles of old vintage fashion. We take these moments to find inspiration through the looks of the past. If we are not at the store to buy, we are there to soak in the inspired atmosphere of these treasure items.

     xoxo Renee

Friday, March 15, 2013


8 blueberries
6 to 8 mint leaves
3 ounces Bacardi Limon
1/2 ounce simple syrup
1 lime wedge or splash of fresh lime juice
Garnish: Mint sprig and additional blueberries

Muddle (smash together) the blueberries and mint with a splash of soda in the shaker. Fill the shaker with ice, and add the Bacardi, lime, and simple syrup. Shake together, strain into a glass filled with ice, and add the soda. Garnish with mint and blueberries.

We are excited to celebrate the very fun St. Patricks day with our good friends with delicious cocktails! Have a safe weekend everyone:) 

XOXO, Renee'

Thursday, March 14, 2013


My personal comfort lies in the neutral color range of black and white. When you achieve a simple color palette in the selection of an outfit, then you are more then welcome to play and have fun with accessorizing. Now the pop of kelly green from a necklace becomes a highlighted piece in the mix and a chunky leather belt is always a good addition to breakup any pattern, or help give shape to a women's natural hour glass figure. Anthropologie is the one to thank for these selected items for the day.

                xoxo Renee

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


With the casual comfort of an Anthropologie T-shirt and the pop of color added in this hand-dyed kelly green scarf, I blend with my surroundings but give way to a mesmerizing addition of a beautiful shades of green. To keep it comfortable I threw on a pair of winter moccasins and accessorized with a vintage train whistle that has a hand braided chain, made by Ophilya. A simple outfit accessorized in magnificent earthly shades always draws attention to a effortless way of fashion.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013


That day of magic in the white of winter snow gave me this unmistakable urge to sift through the wardrobe to pull out colors of comfort. Bright red with the combination of a blue woven textured skirt, rustic leather boots, and to top it off with that single vintage indian church bell necklace to hang from around my neck. Thanks to the wonderful selection of vibrant colors from Anthropologies endless supply of well-made, amazing fitted clothing, I was able to find the perfect outfit to start my day in a spirited way and begin by placing that right foot forward.



 Always needing to be visually stimulated, I salivate for a good interior mag (man, that sounds really needy). Elle decor always satisfies my craving with their bold interior pics from great spaces around the world and pages of new upcoming interior patterns, colors, and decor.
 I love to sit in bed, flip through the pages while sipping on a cup of tea while looking like a princess (not really) in my robe. I can feel the stress melting off my shoulders and my brain kicks into daydream mode. 
Ahhhhh, I love Sunday afternoons!
xoxo, Renee'

Monday, March 11, 2013


Even though it might be cold out during the midst of the winter month, this gave me the chance to play with layers. You may always wear your summer clothes all year round, but to create that winter warm look, a good technique is to throw on a long sleeve shirt that can add color or textural detail to the wardrobe. Today I felt a bit playful and light-hearted, so the outcome became a warmer pink to accent my navy blue acorn dress. By keeping the accessories simplified the outfit achieves a more casual comfort feel. The boots were most certainly my highlight to this wardrobe. Heather gray Knee high moccasins that give you the option of pulling it high up on the leg or scrunching them down to again give you the proper feel of comfort.

   xoxo Renee

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Needing another option for lunch other then a salad or sandwich, we decided get a little cheese crazy and create this colorful and delicious celery tapas concoction! Believe you me, it is a refreshing change and super yummy:)

Celery Tapas:
6 celery stalks
1/8 cup crumbled blue cheese
1/4 cup cream cheese
1-1/2 tbs sour cream
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
1/8 cup of crasins or golden raisins (I used a bit of both)

Wash and trim the celery and cut into 4 inch lengths.
In a bowl, combine the blue cheese, cream cheese, and sour cream. Mix until smooth.
Fold in all except 1 tbs of the walnuts (use the remainder for garnish).
Neatly fill the celery stalks with cheese and nut mixture.
Chill for an hour before serving.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Anthropologie Displays… Every time I enter, I never want to leave. This is a store which allows you to enter into inspiration. The colors, textures, sounds, designs, and even the smells of this mesmerizing place leaves your senses twisted in inspired thought. I am grateful that this company takes such pride on introducing to the everyday women, sensational details of a eclectic, and artistic lifestyle.

This sofa is absolutely gorgeous! Sometimes I am saddened at the thought that I must leave all these beautiful home good items behind. Even the pillows instill character, passionate thought, and consideration.

I have with pride, chosen to highlight Anthropologie on todays post so I may reflect on those who still hold true to the passion of creating the complete atmosphere. 

                                            Xo. Ophilya